foom decomposes biowaste on site within a few days and reduces CO2


The concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere is rising rapidly - we must stop this trend

We have two levers to reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere: the reduction of new emissions and the removal of CO2. With foom, we want to contribute to both. By improving the quality of our topsoils we increase their ability to absorb CO2. For our solution, we have been inspired by nature.

Human activities have led to a rapid increase of CO₂ in the Earth's atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution. This leads to a continuous warming of our planet. We feel the consequences - rising sea levels, disappearing glaciers, weather extremes - every day.
To preserve the Earth for future generations, we must keep further warming to a minimum. The global community already agreed in 2015 on the common goal of achieving net zero emissions by 2050 and thus limiting global warming to 1.5 C (Paris Climate Agreement). This means that annual emissions must be reduced by 59 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalents.
To achieve this goal, we need to break new ground. And this in all areas of the economy and society. We must avoid or at least reduce new CO₂ emissions wherever possible - and at the same time remove CO₂ from the atmosphere.

Healthy soil captures CO2. Currently, more than three times as much CO2 is stored in the soil as in the Earth's atmosphere. But the proportion is continuously decreasing.
The cause of the declining soil quality is the increasing, one-sided agricultural use. High productivity demands and a lack of knowledge about long-term effects have led to soils being depleted and enriched with chemical fertilisers. The use of chemical fertilisers alone leads to emissions amounting to two gigatons of CO2 equivalents worldwide (John Doerr, Speed & Scale 2021).
foom has developed a solution to stop this trend. This means improving the quality of our topsoil again and reducing the use of artificial fertilisers.

The circular economy is a sustainable concept for reducing CO₂ emissions. The earth shows us how it's done: for over millions of years, it has perfected its circular processes - from global ocean currents to microscopic cell renewal processes. foom takes one of these processes as its model: composting. Biogenic residues are decomposed by microbes, just like in nature, to return the valuable raw materials back into the cycle - instead of burning them and thus acting in a linear fashion. And this is done locally - so transport routes and CO2 emissions are avoided.


foom decomposes organic waste on site within a few days with the help of natural microbes

foom offers a technology that helps to accelerate natural composting processes and use them on-site. This produces natural fertiliser and avoids long transport routes as well as costly production processes of artificial fertiliser and the associated emissions.

on spot

At large events such as festivals, concerts or Bundesliga matches, food and drinks are served exclusively on compostable disposable tableware.

Event participants dispose of their leftover food and disposable tableware in foom bins, separate from residual waste. Other kitchen and food waste from backstage will also be collected in foom bins.

This waste is decomposed in the foom composter on-site within a few days with the support of specially combined microbes.

The end product is nutrient-rich compost that can be spread on site, e.g. in green spaces, in allotments or on arable land. This closes the cycle of recyclable materials, reduces emissions and at the same time CO₂ can be naturally bound.


By using foom technology, emissions of at least 150kg CO2 equivalents can be avoided per ton of organic waste

The foom solution contributes to a resource-saving, sustainable economy.

Organic waste is composted on site. This avoids long transport routes. On average, the distance to the nearest central biogas or composting plant is 50km. In reality, however, several plants often have to be driven to, as organic waste from festivals is seldom sorted by type, and many plants only accept sorted waste. In the foom solution, the unsorted biowaste is composted on site, thus minimising transport distances.

Up to now, at large events, the disposable tableware and food leftovers are collected in the residual waste and then incinerated in a waste incineration plant using the energy. With foom, on the other hand, only home-compostable tableware is used, which is composted together with the food leftovers and thus brought back into the cycle.

Mineral fertilisers are artificial, industrially produced fertilisers. Their salt-based nutrients are dissolved by water. After prolonged rainfall, mineral fertilisers are quickly washed out of the soil. They can then accumulate in the groundwater, where they can salinate the water. The manufacturing process of mineral fertilisers is extremely energy-consuming. Minerals are usually by-products of mining and are converted into fertiliser in an energy-intensive process known as the Haber-Bosch process. In the foom solution, on the other hand, existing nutrients are preserved or converted into soil conditioner with little external energy input. This organic fertiliser is available to the plants over a long period of time, as it first has to be released by microorganisms in the soil. It therefore does not lead to soil leaching, but to higher biodiversity, long-term soil strengthening and thus to the storing of CO2.

Worldwide, foom can achieve 1% of the CO2 reductions required for climate neutrality

To achieve climate neutrality, annual emissions must be reduced by 59 gigatons of C02 equivalents. 1.3 billion tons of food are thrown away every year or are losses along the value chain. If these 1.3 billion tons were composted using foom technology and the resulting fertiliser returned to the cycle, this would already correspond to 1% of the CO2 savings required worldwide. If more organic waste were added, the potential could be increased accordingly.